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Showing posts with the label receptor meaning

Receptor Theory

                                        Receptors   A macromolecule or the binding site located on the surface or inside the effector cell that serves to recognize the signal drug and initiate response to it, but itself has no action is defined as a Receptor.  The largest no. of drugs do not bind directly to the effectors, viz, enzymes, channels, transporters, structural proteins, etc, but acts through specific regulatory macromolecules which controls the above listed factors.  These regulatory macromolecules or the site on them which binds and interacts with the drug are called 'Receptors' (enzymes and structural proteins). These act as sensing elements on which endogenous messengers like hormones , neurotransmitters and other mediators act to bring about the desired biological response. Terms describing drug receptor interaction: Agonist: An agent that helps in activati...